What happens when we face a threat?
An elaborate online educational webinar on the topic of stress response of the body and psyche and its regulation. We will look at stress and the stress response from an evolutionary point of view, learn how different body systems react, and discuss how the stress response is triggered in our body. „Is stress bad?“ What happens to the body of trained and resilient individuals, and what to the body of less resilient? How to work with high levels of stress and the negative phenomena that can accompany it? We will show you an effective tool that you will find whenever it comes to stress and its regulation: whether in the level of daily stress or in crisis situations with a risk to health or life.
We guarantee quality:
Interdisciplinary synthesis: The lecturer studied physiology and behavior
with subsequent practice of behavioral neurosciences at SAS. The in-depth
theoretical background is in line with practical experience and solutions. He is
an instructor of self-defense, which includes solving crisis situations with the
threat of violence.
Stress response in problem situations, violence & threats
A. Online webinar:Stress response in challenging situations
Date: 5 November 2020 (Thursday)
Morning time: 10.00 – 12.00
Evening time:18.00 – 20.00
Deadline: 9 November 2020 (Monday)
Morning time: 10.00 – 12.00
Early evening time: 18.00 – 20.00
Price: 25.00 € / person
Sale: max 7 tickets (connection) / webinar
See the content and thematic content of the webinar below.
RegistrationWebinar content:

1. Stress response in tense situations and threats
Problem situations of various kinds bring about a psychological and physiological response, which is known as a stress response. On the one hand, it is exactly the stress response that prepares us to cope with these situations. On the other hand, the same stress response can lead to many negative and problematic phenomena in our body and psychological state (cognitive, perceptional & executive functions).
In any case, stress is an integral part of our lives. But it is a friend or an enemy? The answer is subjective to each of us. It is right for this reason that we invite you to gain in-depth knowledge in this topic.

2. What is the evolutionary basis of stress response?
So then, is stress a bad thing? Why is our heart pounding, the pressure is rising, why are our eye pupils dilating and why are many other mental and physiological phenomena happening in a stressful situation? Why we sometimes don´t recognize a cracked bone in threatening moment, but realize the severity of the injury after an hour or the next morning? And why some people experience the „stress paralysis“, well-known as freezing?

3. How is the stress response in the body triggered?
We will discuss the important knowledge about perception, emotions and the brain. How is the stress response triggered? What's going on in the brain? Why does the body start working in stress mode? What are the other mechanisms for transmitting information?
And why do we even need to answer these questions? Because education is the basis for solutions.

4. How does it all work?Neuro-hormonal interaction "wizard"
After the stress response onset in the brain is triggered, a series of specific body events follows. From a physiological point of view, the transmission of information from the brain to various places in our body is executed by the so-called neuro-hormonal interaction. Definitely yes!
How can the body work together so effectively? You've probably heard of the activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the hormone adrenaline. But what exactly happens during stress? And can be this know-how useful for our life?

5. How does our body perform during the situations of threat or emergency?
You will understand the most important effects of the stress response in the human body physiological system. Learn how your body performs during the hard moments.
This is truly an ingenious and perfect survival mechanism, which, however, (still) carries the „Trojan horses“ and serious „evolutionary mistakes“.

6. Stress paralysisPhysical and psychological "freezing"
We are all individuals with a different mental and emotional experiences of the past that shape our current reactivity to stressful situation. Therefore it is crucial to understand, that to demanding situations we respond subjectively.
Thus many of us can be annoyed with the negative mind-body expressions leading to the physical and mental „freezing“. This is due to the negative emotional intensity of the situation, such as a huge fear. What are the signs of stress paralysis and how to deal with them? How to overcome the „freezing“ at all?

7. What is the connection between stress and the quality of attention?
Activated sympathetic nervous system and release of adrenaline trigger a sequence of events in our body. But what impact does this have on our perception and attention? Again, let´s ask a question: „is stress bad“? Does it sharpen our senses and perceptions or, on the contrary, dull them? What is the connection between the quality of attention and „freezing“?

8. Stress response triangle
One of the most important know-how and profits of the webinar. The „stress response triangle“ is a unique tool that is a multi-level key to regulating and overcoming negative stress phenomena.
Effective know-how, applicable from common stress symptoms to high degrees of negative stress phenomena that lead to stress paralysis. Know-how that can be used daily, as well as in real emergency situations. We will explain the interpretation and details at the webinar. If you want to learn how to regulate the stress response effectively, we assure you that this is a know-how worthy of gold.

9. Stress adaptation and habituation
What is habituation to stress and how to achieve it? Learn another major profit of the webinar. Know-how for practice and everyday life. The term „habituation“ is used in the scientific fields of biology and psychology and in principle it speaks of the fact that it is possible to get used to almost any stressor and thus reduce one's own emotional and physiological reactivity (in many cases excessive reactivity).
But how do we get used to a high level of stress? What are the methods for reducing reactivity to stress in real life emergency situations?

10. Are you prepared for the reality of threat psychologically?Training vs. reality: a perspective for martial arts practitioners
Training in a familiar and „safe gym environment“, even when fully deployed, is not the same as reality. Can we distinguish a „training self-confidence“ and know the real reactions of our own mind-body on the street in real threatening situations? How do you react to stressful situation outside of the comfort zone – outside of the training?
In training, however, we can – and we must – simulate the stress response and thus incorporate training methods to increase resistance of mind-body complex towards surprise and negative stress phenomena. How do you increase your own stress resistance?

10. A perspective for martial arts practitioners
Training vs. reality:
Training in a familiar and „safe gym environment“, even when fully deployed, is not the same as reality. Can we distinguish a „training self-confidence“ and know the real reactions of our own mind-body on the street in real threatening situations? How do you react to stressful situation outside of the comfort zone – outside of the training?
Are you prepared for the reality of threat psychologically?
In training, however, we can – and we must – simulate the stress response and thus incorporate training methods to increase resistance of mind-body complex towards surprise and negative stress phenomena. How do you increase your own stress resistance?
Stress response and its regulation
Private consultations
B. Consultations
Stress response & stress management
If you are interested in individual consultations or in organizing a tailor-made training for your team, don´t hesitate to contact me:
MSc. Michal Hornacek
Email: michal@prodefense.sk